Year: 2022

Mars patel novel ponder 8

Hi guys this is my mars patel novel ponder.

I think that the monster is a green hairy monster  with big teeth  long arms and ears and screams I think that the monster will attack them in the next episode and when they meet it it will scream. What do you think will happen? blog ya later Harry.




Notice wonder 8

Hi guys this is my notice wonder post.

I notice there are so many people on top of the train

I notice that some are on the down side and front of the train clinging on

I notice that there are some side things

I wonder why there are so many people on the train?

I wonder why this is happening?

I wonder why they are doing this?

Blog ya later Harry.

What do you notice what do you wonder 6

Hello guys this is my what do you notice what do you wonder post

I notice that the the roller skates are attached to some metal device

I notice that he is in a funny pose

I notice that the roller coaster track has a sideways thing

I wonder why he is doing this?

I wonder why he wants to do this?

What do you notice and wonder? blog ya later Harry.


junky monkeys

Hello everyone its me Harry this is my junky monkeys post I could not find myself in any photo so this one is a random picture. I was not a big fan of junky monkey. There was one item I did like it could roll but there was nothing else really to do.

Did you like junky monkeys?

blog ya later Harry.


Notice Wonder 5

Hello guys this is the notice wonder 5.

I notice that the rhino is trying to kiss the man

I notice that the man has and umbrella and is holding it over the rhino

I notice that that mans eyes are closed

I wonder why rhino is trying kiss the man?

I wonder why he has an umbrella?

I wonder why the rhino is there?

What do you notice and wonder? blog ya later Harry.