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novel ponder 8

Hello every one im going to review the one and only Ivan.

the book had some intresting character devolpment.

I think that ages 8 to David Attenborough will like it because animals are very facinating.

My favrouite part was when Ivan was trying to help Ruby get to the zoo.

My favrouite charecter is Ivan because hes smart kind and a gorilla.

What did you think?.


kelly sports

Hello every one this is my kelly sports post I hope you enjoy it the games that I did with my best freind Jeremy was Satellite coach Zach Shipwreck – coach Brett and the hocky stick one  My favrouite was the ball passing one because jeremy and me had alot of fun doing it also throwing the ball was fun too. We did the ball hock stick thing it was okay the shipwreck one was actually pretty good and fun. What was you favrouite? blog ya later Harry.


novel ponder 8

Hello every one this is my novel ponder 8 I hope you like it. I think that it could be possible for humans and animals to talk to each other because if you know the animals well you could understand it. I think that the reason Julia understood what Ivan said quick was because she knows Ivan so well so she had a understanding of what he might be thinking. What do you think? blog ya later Harry