Hello i have poster that i made by myself and it was hard so i hope you enjoy and i did add a gif and it may not work. it does not work i just figured it out
What is your favorite thing?
Blog ya later Harry
Hello i have poster that i made by myself and it was hard so i hope you enjoy and i did add a gif and it may not work. it does not work i just figured it out
What is your favorite thing?
Blog ya later Harry
Hello it me Harry and this my spaced out and it about space and nappies and i worked hard on it so you should comment now. What do you like about space.
Blog ya later Harry the epic person.
OH HELLO there bloggers Harry here. I made a boat animation and it is amazing it was hard to make but fun at the same time so i hope you enjoy. What is your favorite thing about boats? (you can not say that this is not how boats act I know how they do)
blog ya later Harry
Hello bloggers Harry here. This is my foot print writing which has Godzilla this is not finished work i’m still working on it but this is what i have done so far hope you enjoy have you ever seen the Godzilla movie?
Hello every one this is my Batman writing. I worked very hard on this so I hope you enjoy. It was very challenging. What was the hardest thing that you have ever made?
Hello every one this my story board that describes what happened when I was on my dads friends boat in the school holidays. With some exaggeration. The duck stole my dads fish while fishing.
Has a duck ever stolen your fish before?
Hope you enjoy this blog post.
(note i did not light the duck in fire) the picture bad quality I’m very sorry.
Hi guys here is my gooogle drawing fish I made it using shapes on google drawing. It was really fun. Then I used the shapes to make it look like it was a fish.
My top tip for making one yourself is: to put a background in first
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